Fetching a user's latest OFP data

Fetching OFP data by Username

To download the data for a SimBrief user’s latest flight plan, please use the following endpoint:


Where {username} is the pilot’s Navigraph Alias. Your Navigraph Alias can be found either on the Navigraph Profile page or on the SimBrief Account Settings page.

Fetching OFP data by Pilot ID

Note: As it less straightforward for users to locate their Pilot ID, you should only use this option if it is absolutely necessary.

If your add-on’s SimBrief import settings will be configured through the FMS (which normally has a limited keyboard and makes entering usernames with special characters impossible), you can alternatively pass the user’s SimBrief Pilot ID to the endpoint instead:


Where {pid} is the user’s Pilot ID. Your SimBrief Pilot ID can be up to 7 digits long and can be found on the SimBrief Account Settings page.

Possible Responses

On success, these requests will return HTTP status code 200 and the XML data for the user’s most recent flight.

If an invalid user is specified, or an error occurs, it will return HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request) and a small XML-formatted error message.

By default, data will be returned in XML format. A JSON object can be returned instead by appending &json=v2 to the above URLs. For example:


Note: A previous version of this API used &json=1 to fetch a JSON response, however this response had some formatting issues. &json=1 continues to be supported since there are many implementations that rely on it, but &json=v2 is recommended for new implementations as it is much more stable.