FAA Low IFR Airways LOD issue

Hello all,

it seems that the FAA low altitude IFR chart does not show certain airways depending on current zoom level. For instance, check T287 going in and outbound of HAVNS just east of KBOS. It shows up in skyvector just fine:

However, in Charts, that airway seems to be missing somehow:

It eventually shows up if zoom is decreased:


Hope this hasn’t already been reported.

Kind regards



The T287 airway through HAVNS shows on my Charts v 8.36 albeit close to but not actually through HAVNS. This is for all levels of Zoom


Hello Ian,

yep, “Low IFR” works fine. I was referring to the FAA Sectional Low IFR chart in v8.36.


I have recorded a video. Note that T287 vanishes depending on zoom.

Hello! Thank you for the additional details.

We believe that we have found a cache-related issue. Could you try again and let us know how it works?

Kind Regards,


Thanks for your speedy response.

after logging out, clearing browser cache (Firefox 130.0.1) and logging back in T287 is now visible at all zoom levels. :slightly_smiling_face:

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