Airways not showing

Hi, I’m new to Navigraph but I can’t find a way to see the airways in IFR HIGH mode, because it only shows me the airways in LOW mode. How can I do?
Thank you,

Hi Giacomo,


Please select HIGH IFR on map:


It doesn’t show me anything.


Missing airways in Italy are likely because of Free Route Airspace. Please see Missing air routes. Low/High altitude. Europe - #2 by NAVData


Hi, sorry I was a little bit nervous because I thought it was a bug. Thank you for the information. So how can I follow the flight plan without autopilot, if there aren’t any airways? Also the VOR are not well showed as I can see in previous YouTube video like this, so I don’t understand well when do I have to change the VOR because the radial is from another VOR etc.
Thank you so much,


Hi GIacomo,

A search on “Free Route Airspace” in this forum and the internet should provide information on how to fly in Free Route Airspace.

Broadly you program your FMS with Free Route Airspace entry and exit points and waypoints you choose, and can still fly with autopilot.


Hi, ok thank you. But I don’t understand well which VOR I have to follow because without any radials the map is quite empty. How can I do?
Thank you very much,

Good afternoon Ian
I am writing to you as a controller and pilot on Vatsim network using your product. The problem that continues to persist over the past few months is when planning a flight plan, the route that is ALWAYS suggested is an invalid route because it follows a criterion that is incorrect, i.e. below the Italian free route airspace that is meant by FL195 to FL660. For the past few weeks, I have noticed a marked improvement in the suggested routes. My personal advice is to enter routes with DCT to avoid misunderstandings and greater difficulties in planning the flightplan. I remain at your disposal for further clarification.
