Exporting Flight Plans in Navigraph 8

I am using FSX and PMDG Aircraft and have created a flight from KMIA to SBGR. When I export the flight plan to my PMDG Flight Plans database I get a file in the box with an rte.rte extension. I then find the flight plan in my downloads and copy to the database. When I type this PLN file into my FMS i.e. KMIASBGR it tells me the flight is not in the database.
I had no issues with the previous Navigraph set up but your latest Navigraph 8 release is giving me headaches. Why do you have to fix something that ain’t broke!

PS. Your video on importing/ exporting flight plans relates to the previous release.


Does your PMDG aircraft have the latest AIRAC cycle installed via the FMS Data Manager?

Could you attach your .rte file here?



I’ve got 2211 rev1 Airac Cycle installed and always download via the FMS Data Manager. However, when I load a flight I frequently get the message ‘Nav Data Out of Date’ on the FMC which I clear and carry on without any problems.

This is the .rte file
KMIASBGR.rte…rte (3.1 KB)


I just downloaded your KMIASBGR.rte…rte , renamed it to KMIASBGR.rte , copied it to my FSX\PMDG\FLIGHTPLANS and opened it via COROUTE in FMC of FSX PMDG 737-800NGX without error:

Please also see FAQ - Nav Data Out Of Date.


Thank you. I thought I’d done all this as well. Maybe I’ve renamed it wrongly. I’ll try again. I’m using an FSX PMDG 747-400.

P.S. My last mail. Why is it naming it an .rte…rte file and needing to be renamed?

The double file extension was a problem in the 8.13 version of the app. We issued a new update 8.14 today. If you quit the app and wait for 30 secs and then start the app again, you should get the new version.

But for the file you already exported, yes you can manually rename the file as you already did.


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