According to the Charts LAM VOR on this arrival has a restriction of AT FL070
But in the Nav Data in aircraft it is showing as Above FL070 rather than AT.
According to the Charts LAM VOR on this arrival has a restriction of AT FL070
But in the Nav Data in aircraft it is showing as Above FL070 rather than AT.
Hi Andy,
So we can assist please provide data in FAQ - Information requested when posting an issue - #3
as Ian wrote in his post before, a few basic parameter are necessary that we can help you … It´s like a car, when you need any assistance or maintenance. The dealers garage also needs at least which car you have and in a second step, what issue you have. So, for your next posting follow our rules (link from Ian) - without such information we can´t help you.
You post this in the MSFS section and I assume that this a screenshot from the Fenix FMS, therefore I have tried to reproduce it in the Fenix FMS but I can´t - I see the “AT” at LAM, on the leg page also on the vertical rev page.
I have also checked the Fenix database and here too - we have a clear “AT” on this point. So I can´t really reproduce it nor can´t I say you from where this “AT or ABOVE” comes from. Do you have the same on the legs page?
Here, my legs page after selecting the LOGAN 2H arrival into EGLL:
… and here, when I open the vertical rev page at LAM:
You see, no plus/minus … so clearly an “AT”. Also, I use the latest Fenix v2 version with AIRAC 2402 installed (when you compare my screenshots with yours - you have 7000 feet but the correct one is FL070). Please check, if you have the latest version and also you have installed the latest AIRAC cycle.
Sorry, but it looks no navdata issue.
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