EDDF - Departure Info not correct in Charts from Vatsim ATIS

Why is it not correct?
And after “/” or “-” the next word must be beginn with a big letter. eg.:

Hello! Thanks for the feedback.

Do you mean the mismatch between the detected runways and the raw report? We can investigate this, but likely it is caused by the human factor. We’ll investigate!

I will note this down for future improvement! In the future, please create separate topics for every issue.

Kind Regards,

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Thank you for both answers, I’ll do 2 topics next time. :grinning:
Thanks for checking things out.

The ATIS issue has been fixed!

The other has been noted, but I would like to consider this topic solved if that is ok by you?

Kind Regards,

Yes, its ok, thank you.!

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Hello again!

The capitalization of Frankfurt/Main has been corrected in the latest release. Thank you for the report!

Kind Regards,

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