Charts 8 VFR map - two small issues

Dear Navigraph team,

once more, thanks a lot for the wonderful version 8 of Navigraph Charts. I like the new VFR features a lot and I am still impressed on how close they are to published VFR charts. (Only one suggestion - just written down in another message - I’d be happy to see a forest layer which is an important feature on many charts.)

I’d like to bring forward two issues I found in Charts 8

  1. Non-english letters are missing in airport names

    There are some airports where the name of the town or the airport are not shown correctly. This is typically not an issue for airfield with 4-letter ICAO codes but some glider airfields might have local names with non-english letters.

These letters are omitted in Charts 8.


Glider Airfield “Wülzburg” near the town of Weißenburg / Germany - located at N49 1 32.8 E11 1 7.0 (near EDNT)
→ in Charts 8 the airport name is shown as “Wlzburg” (the “ü” is missing) and the town as “Weienburg” (the “´ß” is missing)

Glider Airfield "Roßfeld near Metzingen / Germany - located at N48 30 47.4 E9 19 58.5
→ in Charts 8 the airfield name is shown as “Rofeld” (the “ß” is missing)

2) VFR arrival route depicted incorretly

When you compare the Bottlang VFR chart for EDNV Vogtareuth, there is a discrepancy on the ARR route (arriving into the traffic pattern).
Please consider the DEP route when departing runway 24 straight out and then turning right to a heading of 340°. This is shown correctly.
There is a parralel ARR route to that dep route, arriving from the NW, for a heading of approx. 160° entering the downwind of runway 24, turning left.

The direction of this ARR is shown in Charts 8 as a departure route with a heading of 340° instead of the correction heading of 160.°

Thanks for looking into this.
