Dispatch Flightplan into MSFS 2024 B747 not completely possible

When I load the flightplan into the EFB it looks alright.
The I click “Send Route To Avionik”.
On the ACT RTE 1 page in the CDU of the B747 ORIGIN and DEST fields are still empty. But the page count shows 1/4.
Switching through the pages show the correct Waypoints. Legs View is empty.
Since the ORIGIN and DEST fields are empty, I cannot chooose a SID and a STAR in the DEP/ARR section.

When I then type in the Origin and Destination airports, I can choose SID and STAR, but the waypoints again are deleted.

Using “Send Route To Avionik” again deletes the origin and destination airports again.

So it is unusable.

Hello! Thanks for the feedback.

You have posted in the SimBrief section of our forum, but you mention “Send route to avionics” which I do not recognize from our SimBrief EFB app. I also cannot reproduce the issue, the airports are populating correctly:

Are you perhaps using the Charts EFB app? Even then, I am not able to reproduce the issue, and there is no option called “Send Route To Avionics.”

Please advise as to what product you are actually using. Feel free to include screenshots!

Kind Regards,

Ooh. I see what button you are referencing! That is part of the built-in flight planner, and is not part of the SimBrief application.

If you only press this “Import route” button, everything should work. It looks like the simulator developers have some work to do with their “Send route to avionics” button, as I can reproduce the issue when clicking on that one!

Kind Regards,

Thanks fro the try.
IMPORT ROUTE loads the last or the selected route into the EFB, but nothing else on ny PC.
![image|635x500](upload://xf8movmqV2Wcwsimbreif pQdG6cQdgbxgyT.jpeg)
How would it come into the MCDU?

I tried it a third time.
Now I have the Origin and one waypoint. That’s all.
No destination.

After restarting the sim it worked.

That’s great to hear!

Depending on the length of your route, some imports can take a while to populate in the MCDU. For me it works reliably, as long as I’m patient with the import process!

If you are seeing issues with missing entries even after the import is complete, please check if the flight planner app in the EFB has picked up the correct route. If it has, then the issue is not with the SimBrief EFB app but rather with the aircraft or a conflict in the navigation data.

In such a case, feel free to send us the flightplan that you are trying to import and we’ll confirm whether it is a case of the former or the latter!

Kind Regards,

Unfortunately it does not work properly.
Yes, You have to wait for the import a few seconds AFTER the message “The flightplan has been imported”.
It populates some othe first pages, but the Destination is missing.
When You go ahead this won’t change and You’ll have to restart the sim (restart the flight or start the flight again from the main menu does not help).

I am doing this now for hours…
Now I wait for a longer time and then examine the MCDU.
The last time the route was shown as a interrupted white line - not a magenta line. I had to click ACTIVATE.
This deletes again the origin and destination…
I am now really tired…

Flying this route shows that the waypoints are not in the correct order.
The sim wants to fly back and forth…
I also think, this ist the fault of asosbo’s huge bug collection in this alpha-state-sim.

Can I provide a link to mmy simbrief flightplan to share it?
From the main dashboard page I got this URL:

After LUNIP there is another HAREM. LOHRE, …

The last flight it was the same.

Somehow it feels, that the sim still has some data in memory, which needs to be reste before import - in m<y case I really started the sim fresh, but had trouble with the ACTIVAE button (I do not remember what I did next, I am startung this flight now for 20 times over and over again, programming all the data, the weight, payload , …

MSFS 2024 gives me endless frustrations over and over again and is steeling my lifetime more than any software I am using for 40 years now…
And I am paying for this.

Hmm. Before we dive deeper into this, could you please confirm:

If you create and plan the route using the planner and use the “Export route to avionics” button (i.e never using SimBrief) - does it work better or worse? You mentioned airports not loading when doing this, but what about the route?

If doing it that way yields the same or a worse result, then this is an issue with the simulator. If their route imports more correctly, we shall take a deeper dive.

From our point of view looking at our code, we are doing what is expected of us! This can be seen by looking at the route that is shown in the EFB (planner app) after using our import function. It is likely that the 747 FMC is trying to do additional magic (such as handling that “Execute” function) and that this is causing problems for you.

Kind Regards,

I do not use the “Export to avionics” function anymore.
I generate a flightplan on the Simbrief webpage. Then I open the EFP with the aircraft standing in the runway read to depart.
I use the VIEW tab of the Simbrief EFP App and the IMPORT ROUTE button.
That’s it.
I believe it is a memory problem of MSFS 2024 or the B747.
I did not try to write in the route manually into the EFB. or the MCDU.
And I really wonder, how many hours I should spend with this, while MS is not paying me for beta testing.

I understood as much! I just figured that if you tried importing a route from the EFB without using our product and instead using the flight planner, you would be able to tell if the issue is on our side or theirs.

If the route looks odd/incorrect even when using the built-in tools (not touching SimBrief), then this is 100% a simulator issue!

Haha, I understand you! This simulator surely knows how to test one’s patience…

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