Different Engine Types on Takeoff Performance Calculator


Can the takeoff performance calculator in Simbrief calculate data for all engine types on a given aircraft? ie would I be able to calculate data for an IAE powered A320, when specified in the airframe profile?

A further detail that matters a lot less, but would I be able to calculate with different thrust ratings on that engine? For instance, the 737-900 engines can be rated up to 27000 lbf of thrust, but many operators keep them rated at 26k, and the Levelup 737-900 only simulates CFM engines with 26000 lbf of thrust.

Hi, both of these situations can be simulated by customizing the “Takeoff Thrust” custom airframe parameter.

Simply create a custom airframe, and set the Takeoff Thrust to the correct value for your engine type. Then make sure to select this airframe when doing your calculations:

Best regards,

Thank you for the help!

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