Declutter/customize exports list

The new version of Navigraph Charts displays all of the SimBrief Export options. This is a nice feature however I would suggest a way to edit this long list to just those that I use. Namely X-Plane12, JAR, FF B767 and maybe one or two others. If this is not possible, could you put the “Copy to Clipboard” selection at the top of the list. Thanks for considering these suggestions.

Steve Haines


Agree. Way too cluttered. Please put popular exports at the top starting with Msfs 2020 or have it remember our last choice. Or have a ‘other formats’ list for those choices that suddenly cluttered our usual list to kingdom come


Excellent idea, would be great if we could only display the export formats we use.

Another wish is to have the Copy To Clipboard on the very top of the list, avoids having to scroll down for it.


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Hello everyone! We hear your suggestions.

In the next update, we will make sure to move the clipboard option to the top of the list!
Other means of filtering the list will have to wait as that would not be as simple of a change. In the meantime, the filter at the top of the list can be used!

Feel free to share this topic around to collect votes, signalling to us that our users would like us to prioritize this over other things in the wishlist.

Kind Regards,

Is there a way to deselect the export formats we don’t want to see? Perhaps there is a file in the software that reads the list and some can be deleted? SimBrief Downloads does not seem to have a function to REMOVE unwanted or unused flightplan formats… Is there a way to edit this list once it is loaded into Navigraph???

Not at the moment, no. That is what this topic is about though! Please leave your vote on this topic to signal that this is something that you want us to prioritize!

Kind Regards,

Hello again everyone!

In the next update of Navigraph Charts, the “Copy to Clipboard” button will be placed at the top, which meets 50% of the initial asking on this topic.

Since I see that there are several requests for the ability to customize this list as well, I will let this topic remain unsolved for now. Please do make sure to vote for this topic if you are interested in it and have not already done so!

Kind Regards,

The “next update” has been released, and thus the “Copy to clipboard” button has moved up to the top of the list. Just letting you know!

Kind Regards,

Hi Malte,

I went ahead and downloaded a new copy of NC so I see that change. I must say, for me it’s a partial fix. I still would prefer to eliminate all the formats I never use so I don’t have to search this long list to find the ones I do use, like XPlane 12.

I got your note regarding the tab key. I don’t really see that as a solution as it still means that I have to sit there and hit the tab key 63 times to select XP12. What would work for me is to have a check box next to all available formats allowing users to select their preferred formats. Then provide a “Only Show Select” button at the top allowing the user to hide all unselected formats. Henceforth when the user opens the export panel all they see is “Copy to Clipboard” and their preferred formats. To edit the list just deselect the “Only Show Select” button which would then reveal the entire list.

Thanks for considering my thoughts on this.

Steve Haines

You are entitled to your opinion, and as mentioned earlier in this topic we’ll keep this topic open as I am fully aware that this is a 50% fix and not a complete one. No worries, I should perhaps have clarified this!

I see that you are responding from an email, so it might be hard to keep track of the different ongoing topics. However, may I ask that you keep this separate discussion located in the original topic? It is a lot easier to track it that way. The original topic never mentions the export list in any way, so if you want that to be part of the criteria for that feature request, please include it over there!

Thank you for your cooperation!

Kind Regards,

I was going to create a similar topic but found this one already exists.

If implementing an export list editor to toggle show/hide for each type would be difficult then perhaps the ability to PIN favorite export types to the top of the list would be easier? It would be very handy if I could pin MSFS 2020 to the top and just below the “Copy to Clipboard” button.

I only use couple of export types and while the search filter helps to locate them its not persistent.

I have always been saving out the export file and loading into the sim but I’ll try the copy paste method and see how that goes.

What would be cool as well is to have a search up via flughtnumber and or callsign based on the day. Then all you have to do is select it and loads everything in.

Another thing is a display of which release number it is and consolidation instead of it just adding another entry with every release

I am not exactly sure what this post is about, sorry. The export list is only valid for one flight.

It sounds like you might want to open a new wishlist topic?

Kind Regards,