Custom OFP Remarks based on FPL data

Hello, I was wondering if the remarks section of the OFP can reference data generated in the flight plan itself? I understand it’s not possible to make a new OFP format, but I thought as a work-around I might be able to get some specific data into this line for ease of use. The OFP for the airline I work for creates a line specifically for FMS entry and confirmation in preflight. It has: DIST XXXXnm, RESRV: XXXXlbs, CI: XX, CRZ ALT: XXXXft, TOPC WIND: XXX/XXX, TOPCT: -XXdegC. I was wondering if it was possible to make a comment in the RMK section of the flight plan that pulls this data out of the OFP itself? Is there an entry code that might do this for a custom airframe? Or is it simply a text string only? Thank you!