Class B around KCLE - how do I find the freq?

The Class B airpace on the flight planner around KCLE - is this the tower freq? or the approach freq? from the airport chart.

When I right click on the map and select airspace, information, communications, It states ‘no comms available for this sector’


I guess that depends on how well-staffed the ATC is in the area, but the Cleveland Bravo airspace has at least three associated frequencies: Approach, departure, and tower.

I’m not too familiar with US/FAA rules and customs, the airspace classes look slightly different where I fly. But if you are transitioning the airspace, you’d likely want to contact approach! My best guess would be that you should contact the approach first, regardless.

You can find those frequencies in the Comms tab under airport information! The frequencies are not tied to any specific airspace around the airport, so they do not show up where you mentioned.

Kind Regards,