Navigraph Charts is very good for IFR airline flying. It lacks some features to make it a very good VFR map tool.
- There is not enough zoom level. If I need to find a specific location I have to use second map tool like OpenStreetMap to zoom close enough.
- Airports and navaids are not showing in world map. There is a need for a good VFR aviation map with airports, ATC zones and navaids.
- Background is just green and blue. There is a need for topographic map layer
My proposal of solutions:
- Instead of 5km/3mi of provide 100-200m minimum zoom.
- Provide data layers to World Map from Enroute maps without en route segment lines
- Provide OpenTopoMap to show height data.
- Provide Map customisation options
4.1 Option to hide/show route segments.
4.2 Option to change background map layer Clean / Heightmap