Chania/LGSA simbrief showing wrong runways?

I noticed that simbrief suggested for airport LGSA/Chania runway 11L/R and 29L/R but all I know in real and as well in MSFS exists only runway 11/29. I think there is only one runway in use and no left and right configuration. I use Beyondatc and it doesn’t work with the selected runways. So I wonder is this a bug?

If you check the official AIP and as noted on the charts effective 8th August the realworld changed and MSFS is outdated:


No, no bug … LGSA has in real 11L/29R and 11R/29L

Here, directly from the AIP Greece:

Hope that helps

@srcooke was faster :+1:

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Oh okay so I probably have to ask the addon developers of the airport that they should customize the scenery.
Thank you both for answering and clarifying the situation!

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