Can't update second copy of 737 in XP12

Trying to update one addon in my second copy of XP12. Changed path to appropriate drive F:\X-Plane 12\ which is correct. Copy and pasted copy of ZiboMod 737 into said drive. Updated all addons in FMS Data Manager but FMC doesn’t update. My other copy of XP12 D:\X-Plane 12 every addon updates no issues. What am I missing.

By default, only one copy of X-Plane 12 is supported.

In Settings your X-Plane 12 path should be where your main X-Plane.exe is located. Let’s say it is F:\XPlane 12. You should navigate to it and Save it.

In Addon Mappings, remove any existing X-Plane 12 and X-Plane 12 mappings.

Press Scan to redetect your X-Plane 12 and X-Plane 12 addons.

A second copy can be manually added:

In Addon Mappings you can manually +Add:

  • For Please select an addon… choose X-Plane 12,
  • For Install into… choose User Defined Folder say - D:\X-Plane 12

If you have addons for this second copy you will need to map them manually.

As I say, this is not a supported configuration but should work.


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