Can you help Please?? I cannot get the Navigraph Generated Flt Plan to show up in the Flight Factor, 767 FMC.
I downloaded the Navigraph ( Flight Factor 767/777.FLP ) & ( X-Plane 11/12 .FMS ) files and inseted them into X-Plane/OUTPUT/FMS PLANS folder.
I installed the Navigraph FMS DATA MANAGER and in the Manager I do see the
(X-Plane 11) and (GNS430, FF757/767/77).
I must have done something wrong because I’m not seeing the Flight Plan I created in Navigraph be reflected in the X-Plane, FF767 FMC. Could you help me with this please??
Hi Ian,
Thank You for your response. I did make a little progress with your help by exporting the .flp file to X-Plane11\Aircraft\Boeing 767ER\co-routes, but not quite there yet. After I exported the file I was able to have the FMC find the Route and I was able to ACTIVATE it. The only problem, only 1 fix shows up on the LEGS page.
I noticed when I created the route in Navigraph, I also saved a ( .pln ) file and a ( .fms ) file. Should those 2 files be inserted into the Xplane11\Boeing767ER folder Also??
I would appreciate very much your help in getting a Flight Plan to load correctly into the 767. Is there something else I can try to make a Navigraph flt plan load correctly into the 767??
Thank You Ian,
That worked for the 767, Appreciate your Help on that!!!
Another question regarding this, If I want to load a Flight Plan for aircraft other than the 767, (The Baron for example). Which file Format do I create in Navigraph, is it the (.FMS) file?
And if so, where in the X-Plane Folder on the computer do I insert the File??
Thank You in advance, you’ve been a great help!!