Authentication error trying to use Simbrief 2020

I started getting this Authentication error today. Anyone know whats wrong?




Please try Simlink stuck - #2 by Ian


Thanks @Ian Tried all that and even reinstalling the folder into the community folder but i still get the same error.

In latest Navigraph Hub v 1.2.13, please confirm you have installed SimBrief Dispatch for MSFS v1.2.5.

Try Remove/Install again.


hi Ian, definitely the right version.

Try Remove/Install?


@ConorNI Could you try this version and see if the issue persists?

Kind Regards,

@skysail same error unfortunately

I am not able to reproduce the issue. Please follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall any version(s) of the package currently in your community folder. Uninstall through the hub if you have the option, and then check the folder manually to makes sure that there is nothing SimBrief related in there
  2. Press Win + R
  3. Type the following into the input that appears and press “Ok”
  1. An explorer window should open, showing you a directory. There should be a work folder in there. Delete everything in this folder!
  2. Install the latest version from the Navigraph Hub and start the simulator

Please let me know how that turns out!

Kind Regards,

Sorted Thank you for your help! :slight_smile:

That’s great to hear! You’re welcome!

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