Annotations Sluggish

It’s so great to see that this feature request made it into a release.

However, when annotating charts, OFPs, etc. with Apple Pencil on iPad, there is a noticeable delay in writing, i.e., the annotate feature can’t keep up with writing down notes, taking clearances, etc. and my writing often turns into a garbled mess that I can’t read.

I often take notes and annotate on ForeFlight IRL and performance is smooth and fluid.

Any plans to update this feature to be more smooth and performant?

Hello! Welcome to our forum!

I do not recognize this experience from internal testing. What iPad are you using?

Has it always felt slow, or did this start after a recent update?

Kind Regards,

Hi Malte,

I have an iPad Pro M1 11" from 2021 I believe. Not the latest and greatest but still very fast. I screen recorded an example of what I’m experiencing. You can see when annotating on the Navigraph Charts app the letters/numbers are flickering as I’m writing and some of my writing has been lost like dotting the "I"s and crossing the "T"s and some of the numbers. For comparison, you can see in the Apple Notes app how fluid and smooth everything is. Would this have something to do with native Apple Pencil support not being supported by your app?

I’m pretty sure I’ve noticed this since release, but I just started using this feature more in your app so maybe it’s more noticeable now for me. It’s quite annoying when trying to write things down quickly and it’s just not capturing my writing fluidly and completely, so I’ve been reverting over to the Notes app or elsewhere to take down handwritten notes.