I’d like to know the selection criteria that Simbrief uses to auto-select an alternate. We can setup certain fields in the Alternate Airports section, but that said I’m puzzled by the proposed choice.
E.g. - My destination is LIRF / Rome Fiumicino. Simbrief offers LIEO as preferred altn apt, a bizarre one. While it’s inside the limits of the setups the usual choices will be others (irl too, I mean). LIRN, LIRP, even LIMC or LIML, depending on airline and departure apt or weather.
I understand that there are many and complex factors involved but I’m curious about this topic.
As far as SimBrief can tell, LIEO and LIRN are equally suitable. Same number of runways, 2 ILS approaches each, LIRN is slightly closer but LIEO has a longer runway which is why it is selected. There is nothing in the AIRAC data to tell SimBrief that LIEO is on an island, for example. Programming computers to make choices that humans consider “obvious” is never as easy as you might think.
I have placed more weight on the distance when selecting alternates, so LIRN should normally be prioritized over LIEO now. LIRP has only 1 ILS and LIMC and LIML are farther away, so they are still prioritized lower.
Hi, tnx for the update.
Btw, I know the intricacies of alternates being involved eons ago in flight dispatching and -unfortunately- also the complexity to transfer our mindset to a loong code.
All the best.