Airspace around SE England

I’m looking at the airspace as displayed in Little NavMap with Navigraph’s AIRAC 2110, and comparing that to NATS airspace chart ENR 6-7. The Navigraph data appears to have London TMA coming down to 2500 ft much further out than the NATS chart. The airspace is labelled “London TMA (Z)”. I see there are other London TMA areas with numbers (eg “London TMA 3 (C)”) that all appear to match the NATS chart, but this one doesn’t seem to match at all (at least, not down to 2500 ft)

the LONDON TMA is a “general” one, which covers all LONDON TMAs #1-24. That means the lowest minimum is 2500 and the upper is maximum FL195 … the different is, this TMA will be only active by an NOTAM annoucement.

Under normal conditions, this TMA isn´t active.

The TMAs 1-24 are “active continuously, including holidays” - so this are normally the valid ones.

Hope that helps,

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