Airports such as EDDT

Hello there,
over time, new airports might open and old ones close like in Berlin EDDB vs. EDDT Tegel. Now just like in the real world, Tegel has completely disappeared from the Navdata. This is a bit unfortunate as of course, in P3D, it still exists and there is also a high quality representation by Gaya. Another example is VHHX by Flytampa
So I was wondering if Navigraph couldn’t just leave such airports in the FMS-Data and Charts, that would make it much easier to fly there.

Hi …,


It isn’t a matter of leaving the data in. We derive our data from Jeppesen who supply real world airlines and customers. So the data reflects real world airports and data. When airports close, data for those airports are no longer provided.

In special rare cases such as VHHX and NZQN, Navigraph provides navdata (but not charts) as “tailored airports”. There is considerable effort providing those, hence they are rare. There would need to be very large customer demand to provide a tailored EDDT.


Ok I see, thanks for the fast response. I must admit I missed that one on VHHX, that’s already great news.

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