Aircraft Request: Boeing 737 MAX (B38M)

I often try to use the built-in dispatch system with Virtual Ryanair. When using a Boeing 737-MAX8 I note it will not let me dispatch due to ‘Unknown Aircraft’. On further investigation I can see that is it not on - Aircraft Types.

Would it be possible to add the B38M? Many thanks.

SimBrief SimBrief Developer
the 737 max is planned to be added eventually. Once some better data becomes available for it.

Hi, in the meantime, I did this frame with default 738

and this info:

Thanks for the info, however I add my +1 to this request.
I recently purchased the great ProSim737 MAX which has full ACARS integration with SimBrief. Having a B38M aircraft type profile is going to be a huge benefit for the mutual SimBrief and ProSim customers.

@SimBrief Derek, you should have received a set of information this morning :slight_smile:

Thanks @Alpolex88 , will take a look in the coming days.

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Can you add the737 max format please to the airplane list

Hi Anthony,

I have moved your post to the above thread covering this aircraft.
