You confirmed nothing!
It is more then just planned my friend:
Make sure to read the comments in the thread at YT where this video is located!
From the CEO of PMDG “There are too many variables at the moment to make a guess (When the MAX 8 will be available for purchase). The only thing Randazzo can say for sure is that the MAX will release “somewhere” between the end of the development of the 737 NG and the beginning of the development of the next Boeing after the 747.”
Now it might not come out early in 2023, but it’s not only coming, you can see the Easter egg that I referred to in my response to your initial incorrect statement in the above link!
Oh and then there’s this, iFLY is coming out with their version of the MAX 8, so even if the PMDG version is delayed, there’s this iFLY product coming as well:
First you said the PMDG version didn’t even exist.
You can see it in the video I linked to above.
Then you said above it wouldn’t be available for 3 years.
Wrong again!
Now your trying to cover your butt with, “oh it will be out at the end of 2023”!
True, it won’t come out before the end of 2022, but it will be available in 2023.
And finally just to show you how wrong you continue to be,
SimBrief just added the MAX 8 ( B38M - B737 MAX 8) to the database for flight planning.
It’s been added just below the B738-800 on the drop down Airframe menu on the Aircraft Type section.
So in short, Navigraph/SimBrief added what I and others here requested which prompted my writing of this original post in the first place, and it is now part of the database as they know that the MAX 8 will be available in due time. I already fly one in X-Plane 11 which is a Freeware custom MAX 8 model which is based on the Zibo version.
Here is a link for the MAX website:
I know I said earlier that I wouldn’t respond to anymore of your posts, but you are SO WRONG about this that I had to make clear for others who read this thread that the MAX is indeed planned for sale by not just PMDG, but now through iFLY as well!
I will post links about it here when the release date for either product is announced.
And a BIG Thank You to Navigraph/SimBrief for adding the MAX 8 to the database so I can flight plan for the MAX 8 version I fly in X-Plane 11, I really appreciate it!