AIRAC Cycles 2408=>2409 issue

SimBrief is still showing 2408 AIRAC Cycles, while Fenix Navigraph has been updated to 2409


I have a similar problem:

Navigraph FMS Data Manager not work as it should be. I use this addon for Aivlasoft EFB 2 and Little NavMap. Today I checked and found that there is a new AIRAC version 2409.

I updated new Airac for my aircaft using Navigraph Hub and all set very well. After that I go and opened Data Manager. There is 2 addons - Little NavMap and AivlaSoft EFB 2.0.

Those 2 addons is marked green color although there is read 2408 rev 1. Well - I wonder that there is some problem and I move to and downloaded but as I tryed to download I got error message and can’t dowloaded it.

Ok - anyway - I run lnm_2409.exe and after tah I cheked that about what Data Manager say. Now there is Little NavMap 2409 rev 1 marked orange color which usaally means that it is old version.

May I ask that what is going on? AivlaSoft is must be addon as I “flight” bigger aircraft. I know that developer gave up a few reason and means that You not support it anymore?

See here:


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Cycle 2409 is fully released now.

Kind regards,


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Works again - Thank You!