After latest Charts update, my charts page starts flashing on and off continuously

After latest Charts update, my charts page starts flashing on and off continuously immediatey after login. I did not have this issue before the update. Can someone advise please. I have re-booted, uninstall and re-install Charts but to no available.


That sounds odd. We are not able to reproduce it in the team. Could you please provide a recording of this, either using a screen recording tool or just record your screen using your phone. Then upload the video here.

Thank you,


I’m experiencing the same problem.

Thanks stephen for the very quick response. As requested, a screen recording is attached. I have tried re-booting, re-installing, deleting all flights and creating a new flights but all that do not help resolve the issue. Let me know if you require any further information.


Hi stephen,

I also noticed that when I switch to another opened Windows tab, the Navigraph Charts page closes and requres me to re-login again. I sometimes get the attached screen that seems to also hang.

2023-04-14 12-18-54.mkv (611.0 KB)


Very strange. I have enabled some additional logging on your account. Please try again now and we’ll be able to see more.

I also noticed your login screen alerted you that your computer time might be incorrect. Please make sure to sync your computer time before trying again.




Since the last update, the world map is blinking, whatever map is on the top or not…
PC Windows 11 Navigraph.

Alain, France


Please make sure to sync your computer time before trying again.



Same problem for me! Alain, France

Is your computer clock fully synced with the correct time?


Hi stephen

This is embarassing. It was the computer clock. I am in the UTC+8 timezone but my computer was somehow re-formatted to the UTC-8 timezome. Had no problem before the update but somehow my computer timezone was changed and I never noticed it. Guess I should have paid closer attention to the message on the login page and checked my computer clock first. My apologies, stephen. Made you go through this for nothing, when I was the noob :smiling_face: In any case, many thanks for the super quick responses. Your effort is much appreciated.


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Glad to hear it is resolved. Yes that message on the login screen was a good hint for us in pinpointing the issue. No worries at all, and you are apparently not the only one.



First of all, as other users, thank you so much for your quick response yesterday evening!

I synchronized my clock, and the problem has been solved! Incredible! So, thanks!

But, what’s the relation with a map blinking and the clock? Synchronisation with your servers?

Anyway, thanks! Alain :fr:

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Glad it worked out!

It ends in a feedback loop where the authorization token Chart receives is immediately considered expired, and hence refreshed, repeatedly. We’ll see if we can make this more robust on the Charts end too.



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Had the same flashing issue and my time Sync was also off. Syncing the time fixed the flashing issue

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I had the same problem, but after re-syncing my PC time the problem disappeared.