ADF and freq´s

Hi Navigraph stuff and simmers,

one question about ADF freq´s. I flew today with the FBW A320 dev version into EBOS and typed via RAD NAV the ADF DD. I got some possibilities to choose due to duplicate names:



Needle wasn´t displayed due to the missing digit after the dot! When typing 352.5 everything is working. Where is the data from displayed in the pic above? The freq is not correct… strange …

greets Klaus

Hi Klaus,
that has nothing todo with the navdata - when you look on the WorldMap for the DD NDB you see the correct frequency:

Also, you wrote, when you tune it manually that the NDB will be detected correctly - so the data are correct so far (because when not, when the decimal would really be missing, the manual tune wouldn´t work). So I assume, it´s a bug in the MSFS FMC somewhere, which suppress the decimals.

Sorry for that, we can´t do anything … the data are correct.


PS: by the way, the same happens with the stock data also - so definitive a bug in MSFS

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Hi Richard,

thanx for your reply. It is the “FMC” from the FBW A 320. So it looks like, that there is a bug by pointing out freq´s when typing for example DD due to a possible decimal bug? Curios …

Greets Klaus

No Klaus, it happens also in the TBM or the Working Title CJ4 … it looks more general what we have seen.


Hi Richard,

ah ok, interresting. Thanks and servus


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