Simlink xplane 12

I´m having a problem with sim link, it doesn´t show the plane in CHARTS when I´m playing xplane-12. MFS2020 works fine. The installation seems normal

Hello, welcome to our forum!

Have you installed the X-Plane plugins? In contrast to MSFS, X-Plane requires a few more installation steps than just starting the Simlink application.

  1. Close X-Plane
  2. Open Simlink
  3. Press “Plugin status”
  4. Press “Plugin settings”
  5. Press “Scan & install”
  6. Make sure that your simulator is showing up in the list with a green checkmark

See this post for images of each step along with an additional manual approach!

That should be all you need to get moving maps going in X-Plane 12!

Kind Regards,

ok, thx for the help

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