Sim brief routes

Hi - new here. Is it me or are the generated routes suddenly broken? This is on MSFS XBox. They were fine yesterday but now they are incomplete with loads of wayponts missing at the approach end. For instance northbound flights to EGBB end at HEMEL now (Hertfordshire) - you have to put them in manually after that., and they still don’t seem to work. It’s just odd…seems completely messed up for no reason? the SIDS and STARS are all over the place too. I don’t get it! I was really starting to enjoy MSFS with SimBrief integration - but now it’s just frustrating.



To investigate we need more information, for example:
Which flight plan in readable text form
Which aircraft?
Please post screenshots showing what “seems completely messed up for no reason” using Guide to posting Screenshots

So we can replicate…
