Scandinavia free route airspaces


Any chance you could update Charts to show free route airspaces according to screenshot provided?

NEFAB FRA: Estonia and Latvia seems to be already added in Charts but Finland (FL095-FL660) and Norway (FL135-FL660) are missing.

DK/SE FRA: Denmark and Sweden (FL285-FL660).

Picture is from AIP Latvia already from year 2022.

Here also link to NEFAB source needed to zoom closer for altitude limits:

Dunno even if this is right forum to post, if someone else knows better option, please tag. :smiley:

Raise as no reaction from staff yet. :smiley:

Hello! Sorry for the late response.

I am not entirely sure what you’re asking for here. Those documents outline the borders of FRA, but AFAIK, those are not dedicated airspaces themselves? To quote your source:

The concerned FRA area consists of Finland FIR (excluding Helsinki TMA), København FIR, Norway FIR, Riga FIR, Sweden FIR and Tallinn FIR.

The highlighted FIRs are in Navigraph Charts, they’re just not highlighted separately for the FRA purpose. You can see the effects of them being under FRA by looking at the amount of airways in these areas.

Have I misunderstood your question perhaps?

Kind Regards,

Pilots plan lots of routes orderly via airways which have even upper FL limits also and while it while it wouldn’t be mandatory) which makes no sense at all and them fly lots of zikzak, as they don’t realize that they will be flying in free route airspace as designated in those charts.

If you look at for example southern half of Norway (screenshot below), there is a LOT of airways due mountains but still it’s free route airspace over FL135 which ain’t defined or highlightable in Charts. So it would be convinient for pilots to have chance to know if there is free route airspace available.

Second example is Latvia where there is also lots of airways but regardless of that, NEFAB FRA is defined and possible to highlight in Charts.

So I wish that all those free route airspaces would be defined in Charts as they are in real life, because not only it would make route planning in Scandinavia more realistic, it would be more usable in training purposes within flight sim community. :slight_smile:

Hello again!

I see that such airspace is included here and there but is not consistently available in our data. We’ll ask our data provider (Jeppesen) to see what we should expect!

Kind Regards,

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