SayIntentions.AI: How do we get added to the list of "PreFile" networks?

Hi there!!

We’re creating an AI-based ATC system for flight sims, and we’re well under way with IFR functionality. (Now working!!).

We’ve integrated with SimBrief to the extent that someone can enter their SimBrief username and we can import their flight plan, but I’m very interested in getting added to the “Prefile on a Network” list… You have VATSIM, IVAO, PilotEdge, etc…

Can you walk me through what we need to do to be added?

I’m happy to use the same template as another provider to make it simpler for you.

Hi, do you have a portal where users can enter their flight information and/or submit a flight plan to your network?

Most prefile links work by redirecting to this form, with parameters appended to the URL which will auto-fill the various fields. If you already have, or plan on adding such a form to your system, please send a sample URL and I should be able to add it to SimBrief’s prefile section.

There aren’t really any firm requirements on our end otherwise, but ideally the redirect URL should use the GET method (parameters added directly to the URL), for example something like: https://app.domain.tld/flightplan?origin=KJFK&destination=EGLL&aircraft=B744& ...etc.


Wow, if SI could be integrated into SimBrief’s Profile facility, that would be a major plus for us SayIntentions users! Thanks for being flexible and inclusive! The Flightsim community is the best!
Best Regards,

Thanks… all I need is their username and I fetch the rest directly from your endpoint… BUT… I want to give users a chance to review the SimBrief flight plan to see where there are things that are going to be a problem. (initial climbs that make no sense, descents that make no sense, terrain problems, etc.)…

If you can make THAT work, I’ll get it all setup on my end. I literally only need the username. I can grab the rest from the JSON, which I already have working.

I’ve got a dummy placeholder in place for now that you can use to confirm it’s working.

Thanks so much… this will be amazing for our customers who are loyal SimBrief users!


Hi Brian,

Yes I can add this if you’d like. A few things to keep in mind though with this approach:

It will always load the user’s latest SimBrief flight plan, regardless of what flight they are actually viewing. Sometimes users generate more than 1 flight plan in advance, and they might want to select a different flight than their latest one for prefiling.

If the prefile link includes all of the flight data in the URL parameters (like the other prefile links do), this makes it possible for users to prefile any of their SimBrief flights. It also means that other apps/websites could use your prefile system in the future, rather than being locked to just SimBrief.

With that said, I can still add your proposed URL if you’d like, but you may want to consider also supporting full parameters in the URL if it’s feasible.

Let me know and I can probably add this in the next SimBrief update.
