Hi can I suggest that the Simbrief generator in Navigraph is co-ordinated with the new VATSIM (vPilot) requirement to prefile flightplans?
Maybe when we select “Generate Flight Plan” it could have a popup asking if we want to prefile?
Or at least generate a TXT file that we can copy and paste in Vatsim Flight Plan Prefile.
I’ve used the new process a few times now; the first was straightforward but the second was really annoying as it kept rejecting the connect request in vpilot even though I had remembered to prefile and could see the prefile in the airport info on vatspy.
If you can help at Navigraph, that would be wonderful!
Since SimBrief isn’t aimed at any particular network, I don’t think we should necessarily add a pop-up or auto-prefile on VATSIM for every flight and/or all users.
At the moment I think the quick-link to prefile on VATSIM does the job quite well, and really only requires 1 extra step after generating the flight plan.
For anyone not familiar with it, SimBrief offers a button to open the VATSIM prefile form with all of the flight data auto-filled for you:
Fair enough.
Thanks for at least looking into it.