Hello! I have a problem when I enter the STAR in the MCDU of the A320 in the MSFS! Whether ASOBO or FBW! Right is this way…

In the MCDU everything is entered correctly… STAR GOGO1B NO VIA and NO TRANS

in the flight plan but a way over all VIA ́s is displayed! No way from NATOS directly to runway 05R.

Why is that? Why are all transition points loaded automatically?

Am I doing something wrong?
Sincerely, Andreas

Hi Andreas
thats a MSFS “feature” in the flightmanagement of the MSFS. You can’t really do anything, expect you enter the waypoint manually.

The reason is, that the FBW also use the same bad flightmanagement for the routes and therefore, there is no difference between the worldmap and the FBW (in the worldmap you can’t select VIA/transitions - ASOBO has simple forgotten this).

Also, its independet if you have installed our data or not. The same (if the procedures exists) happens with the stock data.

Sorry Andreas, but thats a sim limitation.


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