Edit: I have managed to resolve the duplicate v4 plugin problem, there was an extra registry entry I wasn’t aware of that I’ve now deleted. However I am still getting the errors when I load into 5.3
I’ve recently been experiencing some odd behavour with Simlink, which I have also now correlated with some CTD issues I have recently been having in P3D.
Regarding the CTDs. I have been finding that long(er) flights and sessions of a few hours or more have a tendency to result in freezes or (more commonly) CTDs without anything showing in Event viewer.
Most recently I flew PANC-KLAX in the PMDG 747-400, this was the second long haul trip I made in v5.3 with the first being VHHX-PANC, and the first after configuring Simlink for the new 5.3 install. I got a CTD after lining up for approach, with no suggestion as to the issue. There was nothing in event viewer to suggest what went wrong. I repeated the exact same flight the next day except with Simlink disabled and the flight succeeded with no CTD.
After some troubleshooting I then noticed that Navigraph simlink was producing logs all with the same error:
[2021-12-08 03:07:29] Status: 0; Last error: 183
This error repeats multiple times, and I have a feeling it is responsible for P3D Crashing, as I believe the same error has been known to crash XP11 for some users.
I have uninstalled, reinstalled and reconfigured Simlink and the charts app, however this has not stopped the errors. Interestingly when I ask it to scan for my P3D install it insists on installing the plugin for v4 as well as v5. I previously had v4 installed on this machine but I have made the utmost effort to scrub it from my machine, all the main directories are deleted and there are no remaining registry entries to my knowledge, but Simlink keeps on picking it up.
I have also deleted the ‘P3D v4 Addons’ and verified there are no shortcuts, however this does not appear to have fixed the issue.
Any idea what the issue may be? Any help appreciated.
Kind Regards,