Not seeing my aircraft position on charts

I downloaded and installed all the Navigraph software including the Hub. I activated Game Panel, but when I open it from the toolbar it does not show the position of my aircraft on the map. Using with MSFS 2024.



Make sure you have turned on Moving Map:

You also might like to try Charts EFB test version at NaviGraph INOP in EFB - #29 by JackLavigne.


Okay, got it. However, I am unable to create a flight plan in Simbrief. I keep getting this message in my browser but it won’t let me click on the dialog or move on. Any ideas?

Try clearing caches in your browser.

Otherwise as a test try a different browser say Chrome.

Once logged in you should be able to access SimBrief on your original browser.


Thanks. I clearedvcache and disabled some extensions I had in MS Edge, then it started working.

You are welcome. Glad it is resolved.

Happy flying.
