Using prosim737 latest AIRAC 2411 on MSFS

There is no ILS at EDDB 06L and, looking at prosim IOS Map page, there is no ILS for any other runway there.

I also noticed after selecting ILS 06L in the FMC, there was not the usual frequency and final approach course in the Approach Page.

Unsure if this is a navigraph, MSFS or prosim issue.

Hi again,
Sorry I have overseen your second report to this topic. Is this also be fixed with the ProSim update what you have mentioned here

Cheers & sorry again for the delay

No problem! This appears different, prosim say it is an MSFS issue

The EDDB Airport file does not contain ILS ids and it still has the old runways (25/7). But navaids file has ILS with new rwy idents (24/6). This combination makes impossible to link ILS to runway. Thus ILS data is missing.

Maybe Navigraph would be listened to more by Asobo than just another user ticket?

Regards Charles

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