I did post in the old Forum, did everything you told me.
But I still have the same problem.
Navigraph Simlink (Version cannot detect a flight in your simulator.
Not broadcasting flight data to server.
Your Prepar3D v4_20201123012638_log.txt showed you have a mismatch in Simlink versions. You show V, with Simlink version needing v.
In Navigraph Simlink Plugin Settings, for Prepar3D v4 entry press Uninstall Simlink, then press Install Simlink.
If still an issue, please attach log again and upload screenshot of Simlink Status page.
thank you.
The new Forum looks nice, but need time for learn again.
I did that already. I did uninstall all old Version from Simlink, I have only the newest one on my PC.
Seem that the newest Simlink Version dont go inside my P3Dv4.5. I did read the Log too, and I see I have an old Version. But how can I delete this old Version from P3Dv4.5 and install the neweset one? With unsintall via Window its App its not working.
I don’t mean Windows uninstall Simlink. I mean in Navigraph Simlink Plugin Settings, for Prepar3D v4 entry press Uninstall Simlink, then press Install Simlink , all just in Plugin Settings.
This will remove the old out of date plugin version and replace with correct plugin version
I did exactly what you told me, but still the same problem.
P3Dv4.5 have still this old Version and even I do uninstall like you wrote me and install it again, in the Log file is still written the old Version. (V
I did uninstall now everything I found from Navigraph and Simlink on my PC.
And did download the newest Version of both.
New installing, but no helps. Still the same problems!
Seem to be that P3Dv4.5 don`t accept the new Simlink Version.
So where is this Simlink situated in the P3Dv4.5? Where can I find it?
Maybe I try to delete this there directly?
It is really strange, but I found the solution.
First I did delete the .xml and .dll (Version which was inside the File:
C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Dokumente\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\Navigraph Simlink
Then I did copy the 2 File from here: (Version
C:\Users\User\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\Navigraph Simlink
Why P3Dv4.5 take the Version from
One Drive, it`s a mistery for me.
On the P3D Start Up screen have a File: Add-ons. In there I have 2 entry, both are checked.
Like this is working.