Navigraph not allowing to import flight plan from Simbrief

I tried to import the flight plan from simbrief to navigraph but at the first attempt I did not write the correct username I guess and now it says that:

‘‘use latest simbrief ofp?’’
‘‘Simbrief username: F… P… doesn’t seem to have any saved ofp’’ ( this appear in a window)
I have tried to save a flight plan but it still does not allow me to do it… tried to reinstall navigraph charts but it is all the same… does someone know how to fix this?

thank you in advance

hi, the not work for ms20… so you need write manual in fmc…

That is not correct … and that was not the question. The OP wants to load a SimBrief flightplan into our charts and not in the MSFS2020.

But anyway, here a flightplan (LOWW - ESSA) which I just created with SimBrief
LOWWESSA_MFS_08Jan21.pln (10.1 KB)
You can load this flightplan without any issue …

Three questions please:

  • Please can you upload your flightplan-file here, that I can check it please?
  • Where do you get this message?
  • And last you have installed AIRAC 2014 in MSFS and you ahve activate the AIRAC Cycle 2014 in SimBrief also - right?

Thank you,

Hi again,
is it possible, that you have two different usernames between SimBrief and our charts?

The SimBrief username and the Navigraph charts must be the same that you can load the flightplans from there. Possible, you are using different usernames - could this be the issue? Can you check it please?

In the charts under settings:

In SimBrief under Dispatch -> Account Settings -> Username


Thx I figure it out it was easy just going to setting and change the username in navigraph to sim rued…lol

Great - thanks for the feedback!
Happy flying …

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