Navigraph Charts beta testing starting soon!

Wow before the mail I recieved yesterday I wasn’t aware of Navigraph adding VFR charts. Will this also have charts of paid countries like Germany?
If you guys are opening up spots for the beta i’d like to help also!

Would like to be in beta as well @Ian

Would like to be in beta tester.

Thank you.

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I would like to join the beta too if it is possible, when published.


I would love to of been able to of been part of the beta testing for this but I know like many I am way too late to ask to join now as I would think your beta list is full and the update 8 due to be released.

If there is any early access versions going i wouldn’t mind trying them out

is it still possible to join the beta tester program ? I would like to join.

Hi Team,

We currently have enough feedback for us to handle, but we have recorded your requests in case we decide to make more invites.

Thank you.


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I would like to join as well.

If it still possible, i want to join beta testing too.


Hi Team,

I would like to join beta testing as well.


Can I get in on this? Prior beta tester.

Hi, I was betatester in 2020, if possible I would like to have this opportunity again!

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I also was a betatester. if possible, I would like to do it again! Thanks.

I haven’t been on beta before but I’m a software quality engineer and really looking forward to the new version.

I’d really like to take part in the beta too. Is there any way I can receive an invite?

Hi Team,

We’re not inviting more testers now as we are in very late beta.

Thank you for your interest.


Please tell me you can draw on the charts? I really want to get rid of my Foreflight subscription!


Chart annotations are coming , but in a separate release after the first production release.


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