Moving Map issues

I am unable to create a connection to my P3dv4.5 to use the moving map. I feel the issue starts with the login.

I have attached an image where I am told I am logged in, but as you can see, still waiting fro verification.

Help please.

Thank you



Please make sure you are running the latest Simlink.

Are you on windows or mac?

As a test please try setting Chrome as your default browser, restart computer and try logging in again.


!. I have just downloaded/installed the current version of Simlink
2. Windows

I am able to log into my account using Chrome or Firefox. After logging in with both, I still get the same message as before (attached photo). No problem logging into m y account except when trying to connect to simlink.

New error message

P3Dv4.5_20210118090427_log.txt (8.5 KB)

After login is successful, do you see this prompt in your browser? Are you pressing Open Navigraph Simlink?

The new error (“there is an error determining which application…”), when do you see this? When pressing Sign In? Always? Sometimes? After login or even before you can type your credentials?

