Welcome and Happy New Year.
There are two ways to update default X-Plane and X-Plane addons navdata:
FMS Data Manager - this is the preferred method especially for new users and multiple addons. Make sure X-Plane path is correct in Settings tab.
Manual Installs - for experienced users and few addons. Click on FMS Data Manual Installation.
Unzip (retaining paths) xplane11_native_YYYY.zip to
…your X-PLANE 11\Custom Data folder.
(This is for is for default X-Plane 11.50 aircraft including B737-800, Zibo 737, X-Plane X430/530) ;
Unzip (retaining paths) xplane_customdata_native_YYYY.zip to
…your X-PLANE 11\Custom Data\GNS430
(This is for X-Plane FF757/767/777, X-Crafts Embraer E-175, Aerobask SkyView, JRollon Planes CRJ200, JARDesign A320/A330, ToLiss A319 (XP10), STMA Aircraft, Magknight 787AE) .
Please let me know how you get on.