Ils z rwy 15 sbgl *2

Hello Navigraph people.

I’m reopening this topic because I’ve been doing some “research” about the ILS Z on runway 15 of SBGL…

For a few days I listened to the communications from Rio control and also from the Galeão tower and I realized that the use of ILS Z is more common than we think, it is a standard procedure for runway 15 on Galeão. Several airlines use this procedure for landing, including international companies…

I know that we already have some topics dealing with this and with a solution already presented, but I ask you to reconsider the possible implementation of this procedure in MSFS to make the reality experience more simulated.

Thank you all for your attention.

the point is not, that this procedure doesn´t exist - this procedure exists for sure and will also be used as you have discovered. The point is, that this procedure can´t be coded for the data as an ILS approach due the ARINC424 standard rules (missed approach starts prior the runway threshold and follow not the runway heading).

Compare the ILS-Z 15 approach with the ILS-R 15 approach:

Can´t be coded:

Can coded and therefore included in the FMS data:

So, that´s nothing what we can reconsider … that´s simple coding rules. But you can fly this approach without any issue, as in the reality. So, there is no stop to fly it … but right, it´s not a “one button” press.


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