How do I get "invited" to the Navigraph discord channel?

I’ve added the Navigraph discord channel to my discord desktop app, but have no “ability” to post a message?


You need to go to the rules channel and follow the instructions. When completed you will be able to post.



Hi Stephen,
Question is never can be stupid, but where I can find the “rules” channel? Thanks

PS>> OK. I find the RULES on doscord, follow the instruction, clicked on the green checkmark and there is no respond at all, looks like that is not working. Any better solution is excisting ?

Try to reload the Discord page, and/or close the browser and load it again.



How does one join the Discord anyways? I didn’t even know Navigraph had one.


Just visit: Navigraph

You can also find the link in the bottom of the navigraph website, press the Discord icon.
