HondaJet: Vfto available?

Update 2024.46 “Added aircraft-specific reference speeds to takeoff performance calculations”

I wonder if data is available to provide Vfto for the HondaJet as well, in addition to V1, Vr and V2?



Hi Tim, as far as I can tell, Vfto is always 140 kts in the HondaJet, regardless of weight. The only reference I could find was this one:


I could indicate a static value of 140 kts on the performance results, but would this be that useful? Or do you perhaps have different data that shows a variable Vfto versus weight?

Best regards,

Well, you see, I didn’t even have this. The FlightFX HondaJet has a “get all from sim” feature which I find breaks immersion, so I use Simbrief’s calculator instead, and wasn’t sure what to enter for Vfto (interestingly, I don’t think “get from sim” sets it to 140 knots, I’ll have to check).

It might be convenient, rather. I imagine the real aircraft’s performance calculator provides it, since it is one of the V-speeds that can be entered and will be displayed on the speed tape.

Might be interesting to know if Vfto varies depending on the variant (original, APMG, Elite, Elite II).

Also, I wonder if someone who knows better can chime in, as to whether it’s typical for the Vfto to be a fixed speed as opposed to varying depending on other factors? If it’s a fixed speed but can change from airframe to airframe (see above), it might be useful to eventually make it a custom airframe option?



Actually it seems like te real aircraft gives you “VE” instead and it’s 140 knots indeed as of a year ago.

Edit: seems to also mention the aircraft is not certified for a no-flap takeoff (around 11:30) although it mentions the built-in calculator can provide the numbers.



Any thoughts about this?

While VE does appear to be static at 140 knots, having it provided would avoid having to remember it or looking it up from the AFM, and it’s provided by the real aircraft’s built-in performance calculator:

The simulated HDJT also requires entry of said speed (albeit as Vfto, probably a limitation of the underlying Working Title G3000), but I’m guessing VE and Vfto are pretty much the same thing or very close?



Sure, I’ve added VE/VFTO to the takeoff calculations now.

Best regards,

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