For simulator use only. Why?


I notice on all Navigraph charts there is red text stating it is for simulator use only and not to be used for real navigation.

If the charts are being provided from Jeppesen and are up to date according to AIRAC, is there any particular reason we can’t use them IRL? I understand for liability purposes you can’t advertise that, but is there any specific reason it would be unsafe to do so?


Hi ,


There are very strong contractual, legal and safety reasons for stating it is for simulator use only and must not be used for real navigation.

This specifically advised in the Navigraph Terms of Service you enter into when subscribing:

3.3. Purpose and Use Restrictions
You may not use the Services for real world navigation. You may only use the Services for Game-based Learning in Personal Computer Flight Simulator Software where “Game-based Learning” refers to Gaming explicitly designed for educational purposes, or which have incidental or secondary educational value; and “Gaming” means the activity of using a personal computer for problem solving for the purpose of amusement, entertainment, or passing time (the “Purpose”).

As a list of examples, you may not use our Services for any of the following purposes, including, but not limited to:

1. Real world navigation: Any usage with application for real world navigation…


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