Follow own aircraft requires 3 clicks now

The follow own acft icon is now under the show own acft icon, which means I have to click the own acft icon, then click Follow Ownship, then click the acft icon again to close the menu.

This is a function I use over 20-30 times per flight. Please return it as a top level icon below the own acft triangle and above the new Online Networks three acft icon. I believe there should be enough space for 1 more icon.


This is a definite downgrade from the prior interface.

Suggestion: left click to toggle on/off, right click to bring up options. Same goes for the new traffic feature.

Absolutely, need a one click ‘own ship’ function, this change in the UI is a loss.

Perhaps just add an additional icon below the current one.


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+1 for this to be rectified please

100% agree, definitely needs to be a one-click option again please


Thanks for the input here. We’re considering ways in which we can regain this function.

Kind regards,



While you are looking to fix this, perhaps you could also add an optional …

“return to own position after xx secs”

So if you drag the map to elsewhere, after say 20 secs, it will slide back to your current position.

In fact adding that, could solve both problems.



Please fix it. The current solution is very annoying. Thanks.

Hi again,

It’s been many months and the irritation is only getting worse. :slight_smile:

Please don’t forget. :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:



Just chiming in to say it was a very sad update in the UI! We need a 1 click center on aircraft/follow ownship again! Please!

Rafael Carelli

Indeed i miss the one button solution

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It’s been almost 4 months since my report and nothing has been done to revert the UI and UX to the previous iteration or to fix the current one.

You can’t just go and messing with UIs that people are used to like that - this is a big no no in design.

Please consider reverting back to the previous system or implementing a new 1-click model that will achieve the same functionality.

This is something which we have to click multiple times per flight and adding 2 clicks to every click for a total of three is extremely annoying.

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It would be great if this could get sorted out

I have my Ipad on my left hand side in my sim set up so I’m using it with my left hand (I’m right handed but I can switch charts/zoom in/out etc with my left hand) but the whole new procedure of pressing the moving map, pressing the auto follow button and then pressing again to go back to the main screen is a pain…especially when you’ve got other things going on

It was much more user friendly before when you had one button to press to recenter the position

Having one click re-center again would be highly appreciated


Thank you for the feedback and additional details about your particular setup & situation! We’ll make sure to take this whole topic into consideration for a future redesign. It’s definitely on our (long) list of things to improve!

Kind Regards,

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