Since the latest Navigraph and MSFS updates, with the latest version of Navdata (2302), it is impossible to load the flight plan made with Simbrief in the MCDU of the Fenix A320 when we start at NWWW airport. Everything is correct with the A32NX from FBW or with manual FPL enter.
I believe the error is coming from the processing of the 25S160E in the Fenix for say NWWW/11 N0442F380 NISA3E NISAS DCT TEBUR DCT 25S160E DCT BONEY G329 UGTUG UGTU1X YBBN/01R
If you remove 25S160E the flight loads correctly.
Yes, this is the solution , thank you very much.
Just a question : Simbrief creates this bad route which is non detected by the analyser, do you think to fix this ?
Best regards
This is a Fenix issue. Their importer doesn’t handle custom lat/long waypoints. Since they are simply downloading the raw SimBrief data (and not their own format like some other add-ons), there isn’t anything we can do on our end to handle this. They simply need to update their importer.
thank you for your answer, I’ll send a mail to Fenix support.
For your information, the FBW A320 works fine with this coordinates and a friend of mine has found a solution to fix the problem (temporarily).
This his his solution :
Before generating the flight plan simbrief, check if there is a “coordinates” point. If there is one, write it down (and also where it is) and remove it from the route. Here we would note the point 25S160E which is following TEBUR.
Delete the point coordinates in the route, then generate the Simbrief flight plan as normal.
Open MSFS and load the A320 Fenix.
Load the flight plan with “INIT REQUEST*”. The flight plan will load normally.
Convert point coordinates to Shorthand format. Here, 25S160E becomes 25S60.
Go to the F-PLN page, insert the point in the right place, so enter 25S60 and click next to BONEY to insert it before.
Manage discontinuities if necessary.
Recommended: once the fpln uplink has been performed in the A320 Fenix, regenerate the Simbrief flight plan including the point coordinates so that the OFP is complete and valid.
It would be much simpler (basically 1-step) to convert the coordinates to the shorthand form directly on simBrief before generating the flight, wouldn’t it? Does that not work for some reason?
yes, you are absolutely right.
I just gave the solution proposed by a friend who had looked for the reason of this malfunction.
I will contact Fenix Simulations support.
Thanks for your help.
Hi, i have the same exact issue. In my case I am trying to do a short flight from LMML - LICC (GZO3A GZO N982 NELDA NELD1Q) inwhich there are no coordinates involved, however I’m still getting INVALID F-PLAN UPLINK. Also please note that the flight plan generated in simbrief is loading in the FENIX EFB and also in the AOC FLT Menu. It won’t load only when i press INIT REQUEST.
Amy suggestions? As it is really frustrating. ( this happened just after I have installed the update SU12)
I confirm , this FPL can’t be intrduce by INIT REQUEST button on Fenix A320 from Simbrief, while it works very well with the A32NX.
I tried to cancel one by one the waypoints : no result. Are you sure it works before the SU12 ?
I tested in the other sens (LICC NELD5K NELDA N982 GZO LMML) : surprise, it’s OK with INIT REQUEST.
The issue is in Simbrief or in Fenix ?
Hey, yes everything was working before the SU12 update. I just reinstalled the navdata ceter again and it’s still not working at all. So bascially the return flight to LMML worked with the INIT RQST? Am I understanding you correctly? The LMML - LICC loads into the fenix EFB and also from the AOC FLT INT. It just won’t work when pressing INIT RQST
Yes, you understood well.
There is no correlation between the EFB and the MCDU regarding the flight plan. It is the OFP generated by Simbrief which is loaded into the EFB to allow calculations of weight and balance as well as those on take-off performance. Not the standard flight plan (Apt, Waypoints, routes, etc.). The EFB does not check flight plan data that is why it does not crash.
not sure, why you´re posting it here - this can only be implemented by Fenix, not by us - we can´t do anything here. The API interface is documented well and is using from many addons, this is an implementation thing what only Fenix can handle. Sorry for that.