EHAM STAR(s) A320 mcdu

Good morning team,

I’ve recently started to enjoy the FBW mod for the 320,

I fly in and out of eham frequently, and I’ve noticed that selecting arrival page, and some stars are missing, example I was looking for the TOPPA2A and it wasn’t present I think there’s a few more missing b can’t remember off the top of my head, just thought I’d let you guys know to see if your aware of the situation or if it’s actually a limitation of the mcdu in the sim itself, as it can be selected from the world map planner, I’ve tried and searched forum before posting but couldn’t locate a topic /subject that matched. It’s also worth noting that the SIDS all appear to load and be correct

Hope the team all had a fabulous Christmas, and stayed safe

Kind regards

Hi Stuart,
first of all thank you for your Christmas wishes … wish and hope the same for you :wink:

I have checked if the TOPPA2A is included and yes, here all available STARs from the TBM930 (which is more accurate as any other aircraft):

Also, I have checked the whole long list of SIDs, all included … possible that this is an A320 issue but as you see the TOPPA2A is included in the data.

When you see (and can select) the procedures in the worldmap, you can be sure, that this procedures are included because the worldmap and the MCDUs/Garmin uses exactly the same files. So when you don´t see it in the A320, then it looks like a limitiation, sorry.


Thanks for the reply Richard, I think it’s as I thought and you lean towards it’s a sim limitation hopefully it will be addressed in time and with payware planes on the horizon it will use navigrath

Please feel to remove the topic, or mark it as solved

Kind regards

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