Hi Peter,
ok, I have checked it now between the MSFS and the real-world information …
The issue is this notams:
A8097/22 NOTAMN
Q) EGTT/QMRTT/IV/BO /A /000/999/5153N00014E005
A) EGSS B) 2303260000 C) 2304082359
E) TRIGGER NOTAM - AIP SUP 077/22 WEF 26 MAR - 08 JUN 23
from the EGSS charts 30-1P2:
directly from our database:
Due this notam, ESGG has temporary “two additional” runway idents 04C and 22C … the problem now is, that the sim disable at least all STARs, when any terminal procedure can´t be assigned to a runway, in this case 04C/22C because both runways doesn´t exist in the MSFS.
I have looked into the data and all STARs are available and existing in our data but the sim supress all due this limitation. Sorry - it´s exactly the same issue, when the stock scenery has an outdated runway ident - than the sim suppress also all STARs (at least).
According the notams this “reduced dist operations” ends with 8 of April 2023, so I guess (when ASOBO doesn´t change this logic till this date in any update), you can expect the STARs back with at least the cycle 2305.
Sorry for that - hope that helps,