Database status icon HondaJet not available

Hi, I am a recent subscriber, msfs 2020, and have successfully integrated navigraph into the Vision Jet and TBM G3000’s. Works as expected. The Honda Jet is another matter as the “Database Status” icon is stubbornly greyed out and renders the whole feature not available. I see there is a string discussing this matter back in February this year, but this must surely have been solved as pr. yet?
Does anyone have a solution for this problem alternatively clues to the path of a solution?
Brgds :slight_smile:

Hej Audun! Välkommen till forumet!

Back then we had not even started working on the plugins, and it was only very recently that the plugins were integrated into the HondaJet.

Please be aware that this page is not critical for the operation of the plugin. We’ll contact the developers regardless, to see what the reason could be and if we can do anything to fix it!

Kind Regards,

Just to make sure that there is no confusion - there was an old charts integration for the G3000 developed by WT before they started working for Microsoft. This implementation made use of the database status page to perform the sign-in process.

When they started working directly with Microsoft, they were not allowed to provide any Navigraph functionality. They removed the feature, and some aircraft that were using the mod thus were left without charts - or the associated database status page.

The new implementation of the WT avionics allow us to create our own modifications using plugins. Our G3000 plugin, while restoring Navigraph features, does not use the database status page in this way. When our plugin is active, the Charts button on the MFD page in the GTC should always be available and pressing it should prompt you to sign in!

Our plugin, however, should also enable the database status page. It only contains information about the currently active cycle though, no other functionality! If you see it greyed out, chances are that your addon does not yet come with our plugin.

Perhaps this clears a few things up!

Sorry, I did not mention yesterday because I was so occupied with the February string, I thought I needed the “Database Status” to activate the “Charts” button; Because “Charts” button do naught when I push it. It is lit, and react when pushed but no action beyond that. No Navigraph registering request as on the other sim aircraft, nil.
I am not surprised by Microsoft being difficult, it is mirrored in their rather erratic ATC in the sim, if they were a person they would certainly be institutionalized.
What I do: I try to stop msfs, uninstall/de-register Navigraph/Simlink, re-boot computer, re-install/register Navigraph/simlink, check for and do updates, try again and hope it will help. I will report back later on what happened, just to keep this string alive.
Need to get to work now.

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And No, no go, charts button gives no response. The plugin still works in the TBM and the Vision Jet, but stubbornly not in the Honda Jet. Is it something I do wrong or is there a little bug hiding somewhere? I wish I could be more constructive but now I’m calling for guidance or hopefully a solution

Are you sure that the HJet has been updated to include our plugin? As far as I can see, the update has not yet been released:

You can find the complete announcement and changelog here:

It sounds to me like the update should be out today!

Kind Regards,

The update did the thing! :smiley:

That is great! Enjoy! :star_struck: