Charts support in TDS GTNxi

I saw a tread on this forum regarding support for navigraph charts in TDS GTNxi, the thread said that some work was in progres regarding this. The thread is one year old, but thread is now closed.

Is this work on support for navigraph charts in TDS GTNxi still ongoing?

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Wondering the same thing

Hi - I wonder if you have considered integration with the TDS GTNXi gauge (especially for people like me who are based outside of North America)? If this has been done, can you please advise me on what steps to take in order to utilise Navigraph Charts in combination with this gauge?




This topic is under investigation. We’re in contact with the developer.



Any updates on this? I’m well aware that software devs get really, really tired of hearing that question, but inquiring minds want to know…


As far as we know, this development is in progress at TDS. I’d recommend you to check with them! :slight_smile:



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